
Surviving campus

New to TU Delft or still confused about what EWI actually
means? Here’s a quick introduction to all the buildings on campus, from their Dutch names and English translations to a bit of history.

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
Dutch: Faculteit Bouwkunde
Abbreviation: BK
One of the coolest spaces on campus, BK City opened in 2009, after a tragic fire in destroyed the original faculty building. The story of its construction is nothing short of a miracle. After the fire, the university’s former main building was given to the faculty. By June, the faculty’s professors had plans in place on how to convert the heritage building into a space for designers of the new millennium.

Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences
Dutch: Faculteit Civiele Techniek en Geowetenschappen
Abbreviation: CITG
On a sunny day, the CITG building looks like it’s patterned by hundreds of clouds. The glass facade, printed with a pattern of cut stone, was added to the building in 2007 along with other renovations to the 1970s building, originally designed by Van den Broek & Bakema.

Faculty of Electrical Engineering , Mathematics and Computer Science
Dutch: Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica
Abbreviation: EWI
This 22-story, 90 metre-tall EWI building was once the tallest building in the Netherlands. Designed in the 1960s by prominent Dutch architect G. Drexhage, it was landmark in Dutch architecture, with its functional design, outer skin made of glass in steel frames and the roof which doubles up as a research platform.

Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Dutch: Faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen
Abbreviation: IO
If you take a quick detour into this faculty, you’re likely to see some curious designs and futuristic models. The academic programme of this department began over 35 years ago, and is among the oldest of its kind in the world.

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Dutch: Faculteit Luchtvaart- en Ruimtevaarttechniek
Abbreviation: LR
One of the biggest faculties dedicated to this area of research in Europe, this is also among the largest faculties in TU Delft. While the main building is slightly further down from the rest of campus, the faculty also owns their own plane.

Faculty of Technology , Policy and Management
Dutch: Faculteit Techniek, Bestuur en Management
Abbreviation: TBM
The faculty came into being in 1997, with the merger of the former Faculty of Technology, Policy and the Faculty of Philosophy and Applied Social Sciences. The mission statement of the faculty, as mentioned on its website, states that it ‘wishes to make a significant contribution to sustainable solutions for social problems in which technology plays an important role, through internationally oriented education and research.’

Faculty of Applied Sciences
Dutch:Faculteit Technische Natuurwetenschappen
Abbreviation: TNW
With 44 professors and six departments, it is one of the largest faculties in TU Delft. Some of its subject areas include Chemical Engineering, Nanosciences, Biotechnology and Radiation among others. When TU Delft was established in 1843, one of the first three year courses offered was Chemical Engineering. “In those days chemistry was, for the most part, still in the hands of apothecaries, and the first lecturer and later professor in the Department was a medical doctor by the name of Donnadieu,” said the website of the department. A brand new faculty building located in Technopolis science park, to the south of campus, opened in 2016

Faculty of Mechanical , Maritime and Materials Engineering
Dutch: Werktuigbouwkunde, Maritieme Techniek & Technische Materiaalwetenschappen
Abbreviation: 3mE
Four towers, crowned with glass domes and a body of water welcome you. The forecourt has four female figures on the roof. According to one of the faculty’s publications: ‘They represent the four elements – water, fire, air and earth’ – and were added in the early 1950s. ‘They were carved on location from limestone underneath a tarpaulin for protection from the rain.’

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